Knowledge transfer


Conference Presentations

Preparedness. Metrology for mobile detection of ionising radiation following a nuclear or radilogical incident The 13th International workshop on Ionizing radiation Monitoring December 2017
Preparedness european Project. Metrology for mobile detection of ionising radiation following a nuclear or radilogical accident – WP1 unmanned aerial systems NERIS Workshop 2018 April 2018
Preparedness european Project. Metrology for mobile detection of ionising radiation following a nuclear or radilogical accident – WP1 unmanned aerial systems NERIS Workshop 2018 April 2018
Preparedness. Application of UAV-based systems including calibration procedures and intercomparison excercises. WP1. Introduction of Preparedness activities EURADOS WG3-S1 September 2017
Preparedness. Application of UAV-based systems including calibration procedures and intercomparison excercises EURADOS Annual meeting 2018 February 2018
Preparedness. Overview of the European research project EMPIR-16ENV04 “Preparedness” NERIS Workshop 2018 April 2018
Preparedness. Overview of the European research project EMPIR-16ENV04 “Preparedness” NERIS Workshop 2018 April 2018
Monitoring of ionising radiation by non-governmental networks in the framework of the EMPIR – 16ENV04 “Preparedness” project  NERIS Workshop 2019  April 2018
Proyecto Europeo metrología para la detección móvil de la radiación tras un accidente nuclear Preparedness 5º Congreso conjunto del 21SEFM/16SEPR June 2017
Desarrollo de tecnología para metrología en situaciones de emergencia nuclear 43ª Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Nuclear Española October 2017
New analysis of photon flux build-up in environmental measurements Eurados Annual Meeting February 2018
Análisis del gradiente vertical del flujo de fotones creado por fuentes depositadas en una emergencia IRPACUBA 2018 April 2018
Eurados activities in environmental monitoring – new EUROMET project 11th Symposium of the Croatian Radiation Protection Association April 2017
The development of a low-cost CsI(Tl)-SiPM detector for radiation monitoring by members of the public SPIE Conference 2017 August 2017
The development of a dual-use low-cost CsI(Tl)-SiPM detector for radiation monitoring by authorities and members of the public NERIS Workshop 2018 April 2018
The development of transportable radioactivity-in-air monitoring systems in the framework of EMPIR project “Preparedness” NERIS Workshop 2018 April 2018
Analysis of photon flux build-up in environmental measurements EURADOS WG3-S1 September 2017
Cores symposium on applications of big data, sensor networks, robotics and artificial intelligence in radiation safety CORES Symposium 2018 September 2018
“Preparedness” European Project: Work Package 1- Unmanned aerial detection of radiological data The 14th International workshop on Ionizing radiation Monitoring December 2018
Preparedness European Project: Metrology for mobile detection of ionising radiation following a nuclear or radiological accident – WP1 unmanned aerial Systems International workshop and debriefing of the international airborne gamma spectrometry Exercise ARM 17 in Switzerland October 2018
Development of UAV spectrometric moniotr on NaI basis EURADOS WG3-S1 September 2018
Development of UAV spectrometric moniotr on localizator basis EURADOS WG3-S1 September 2018
Preparation of the measurement campaign in spain:aerial site characterization and point source excercise EURADOS WG3-S1 September 2018
Development of a UAV-based CeBr3 spectrometric monitoring system in the framework of the “Preparedness” project EURADOS WG3-S1  September 2018
Methods for the calculation of H*(10) from gamma spectra EURADOS WG3-S1  September 2018
Mobile Detection of Ionising Radiation Following a nuclear or Radiological Incident EURDEP Information day September 2018
Preparedness Intercomparison of Passive Dosemeters  EURADOS WG3-S1 December 2018
Simulación del gradiente vertical del flujo y la dosis debido a un suleo contaminado 44ª Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Nuclear Española September 2018
Photon flux analisys and detector shielding EURADOS WG3-S1 September 2018
Environmental measurements of radioactivity and radiation protection quantity available in non-governamental networks web sites 3rd EUROPEAN RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION RESEARCH WEEK  October 2018
Indagine sulle reti non governative di monitoraggio delle radiazioni ionizzanti nell’ambito del progetto EMIPR-16ENV04 “Prepardness” XXXVII CONRESSO NAZIONALE DI RADIOPROTEZIONE  October 2018
CdZnTe solid-state detector characterisation for its use as a spectro-dosemeter International conference on radiation applications-RAP 2019 September 2019
New steps in the characterization of NaI detector for Preparedness Project  EURADOS Annual Meeting February 2019
Estudio de la respuesta de un detector de NaI VI Congreso Conjunto de la Sociedad Española de Física Médica y la Sociedad Española de Protección Radiológica June 2019
Electret Ion Chambers for Environmental Gamma monitoring 28 th Annual  Symposium Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society June 2019
Procedures to measure mean ambient dose equivalent rates using electret ion chambers in the framework of the Prepardness project EURADOS Annual Meeting February 2019
Passive dosimetry measurements used in the aftermath of a radiological accident in the framework of “PREPAREDNESS” EMPIR project NERIS Workshop 2019 April 2019
 Monitoraggio della radiazione ambientale con dosimetri passivi nell’ambito del progetto EMPIR-16ENV04 “Prepardness”  Convegno Nazionale AIRP 2019 October 2019
Methods for the calculation of H*(10) from spectra EURADOS Annual Meeting February 2019
Preparedness Intercomparison of Passive H*(10) Area Photon Dosemeters in 2017/ 2018 EURADOS Annual Meeting February 2019
The N42 data format to store spectra – Background and applicability EURADOS Annual Meeting February 2019
Automatic detection of radiological events using spectro-dosemeters EURADOS WG3-S1 Meeting September 2019
Fluences & Dose Values Derived From  CeBr3 Spectra – New Developments EURADOS WG3-S1 Meeting September 2019
Simulation of the influence of the Radium concentration in the soil and Radon concentration in air for NaI detector considered in Preparedness Project using MCNP  ENVIRA, 5th International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity   September 2019
EMPIR project 16ENV04 Preparedness – main goals and research directions XXX Symposium of Radiation Protection Society of Serbia and Montenegro October 2019
Harmonisation of dose measurement procedures using passive dosemeters: use of passive H*(10) dosimetry systems in Europe XXX Symposium of Radiation Protection Society of Serbia and Montenegro October 2019
Overview of the existing UAV regulatory framework in European countries in the context of an emergency response and emergency response exercises XXX Symposium of Radiation Protection Society of Serbia and Montenegro October 2019
Evaluation of dose rate data provided by non-governmental networks XXX Symposium of Radiation Protection Society of Serbia and Montenegro October 2019
Valutazione dell’ equivalente di dose ambientale per rivelatori impiegati nelle reti di monitoraggio non governative nell’ ambito dell progetto EMPIR-16ENV04 Preparedness Convegno Nazionale AIRP 2019 October 2019
Preparedness – Metrology for mobile detection of ionising radiation following a nuclear or radiological incident XXX Symposium of Radiation Protection Society of Serbia and Montenegro October 2019
Fast radiochemical analysis of airborne radionuclides in emergency situations 22nd International Conference on Radionuclide Metrology and its Applications May 2019
Monitoraggio della radiazione ambientale con dosimetri passivi nell’ambito del progetto EMPIR-16ENV04 “Prepardness” Convegno Nazionale AIRP 2019 October 2019
Metrology for mobile detection of ionising radiation: The EMIR project 16ENV04 “Preparedness” ConRad2019 May 2019
Metrology for the mobile detection of ionising radiation following a nuclear or radiological incident ‒ The EMPIR project “Preparedness” ERPW2018 October 2018
Dosimetrie und Monitoring von Radioaktivität und ionisierender Strahlung zum Schutz der Bevölkerung  Mirion Technologies – Fachgespräch Radioaktivität und Umwelt October 2019
Non-governmental dosimetry networks – metrological validation of measurement data Conference on Applied Radiation Metrology – CARM 2020 January 2020
Preparedness and ENEA study on environmental measurements by non governamental networks EURADOS WG3-S1 Meeting January 2020
Preparedness and ENEA study on environmental measurements by non governamental networks EURADOS WG3-S1 Meeting (Annual Meeting) January 2020
Development of UAV spectrometric monitoring systems in the framework of the Preparedness project” – on NaI-basis EURADOS Annual Meeting February 2019
Development of UAV spectrometric monitoring systems in the framework of the Preparedness project” – – on CeBr3-basis EURADOS Annual Meeting February 2019
Development of UAV spectrometric monitoring systems in the framework of the Preparedness project” – on CZT-basis EURADOS Annual Meeting February 2019
Development of UAV spectrometric monitoring systems in the framework of the Preparedness project” – on localizator-basis EURADOS Annual Meeting February 2019
Preliminary results of the first UAV comparison campaign carried out from 2-5 September in the framework of Preparedness EURADOS WG3-S1 Meeting September 2019
Preparedness UAV Measurement Campaign in Germany, March 2020 EURADOS Annual Meeting January 2020
Preparedness UAV Measurement Campaign in Spain, September 2019 EURADOS Annual Meeting January 2020
Mapping and source detection using airborne NaI 2”x2” and localizator CsI detectors EURADOS Annual Meeting January 2020
Testing of the measuring instruments in non-governmental networks for the purpose of environmental monitoring of ionising radiation International conference on radiation applications (RAP 2020) July 2020
Testing of low-cost dosimeters used in non-governmental networks within 16ENV04 Preparedness project Eight international conference on radiation in various fields of research (RAD 2020) July 2020
Conforming to the harmonized UAV regulatory framework in European countries – Experiences from the Preparedness project Eight international conference on radiation in various fields of research (RAD 2020) July 2020
Study of angular and energy response of various TLD holders for environmental dose measurements. 15th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association  (IRPA 2021) January 2021

Standardisation and Technical Committee

       The project was presented at:

  • TC 147/SC3 Water quality/Radioactivity
  • TC 45/SC45B Nuclear instrumentation/Radiation protection instrumentation
  • TC 45B Radiation protection instrumentation
  • TC 85/SC2 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection/ Radiological protection
  • TC 85/SC5 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection/  Nuclear installations, processes and technologies, WG5 Characterisation and waste management
  • TC 85/SC2 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection/Radiological protection /WG 14 Air Control and Monitoring
  • TC 147/SC3 Water quality/Radioactivity
  • CCRI (I) (x- and gamma rays, charged particles)
  • CCRI (II) (Measurement of radionuclides)
  • TC-IR (Ionising Radiation
  • ICRM/WG Gamma spectrometry
  • WG Low activity measurement


Stakeholder workshop, January 2020 (linked to CARM 2020 conference):

JRP Preparedness



On-line Stakeholder workshop, December 2020, PTB: