- An Unmanned Aircraft System to Detect a Radiological Point Source Using RIMA Software Architecture, Remote sensing, doi:10.3390/rs10111712
- Unnamed Aircraft Based Gamma Spectrometry System for Radiological Rurveillance
- Procedures to measure mean Ambient Dose Equivalent Rates Using Electret Ion Chambers
- Preparedness Intercomparison of Passive H*(10) Area Photon Dosemeters in 2017/2018 (IC2017prep)
- Study on the Uncertainty of Passie Area Dosimery systems fot Envirnmental Radiation Monitoring in the Framewrk of the EMPIR “Preparedness” project
- Unmanned airbornespectrometric monitoring system for nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness, Radiation Protection Dosimetry – Submitted
- Investigations into the basic properties of different passive dosimetry systems used in environmentalradiation monitoring in the aftermath of a nuclear or radiological event, Radiation Measurements – Submitted
- Spectro-Dosemeter-based gamma dose rate network in Germany, Aplied Radiation and Isotopes – Submitted
- Comparison of airbonre radiation detectors carried by rotary-wing unmanned aerial systems, Radiation Measurements,
- Review of the thermoluminescent dosimetry method for the environmental dose monitoring, Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection – Submitted
- Monte Carlo calibration of the rapidly-deployable spectrometric air-sampling system (MARE), Jourtnal of Instrumentation – Submitted
- Rapid gamma-radiation source localization from air, Applied Radiation and Isotopes – Submitted
Conference Presentations
Preparedness. Metrology for mobile detection of ionising radiation following a nuclear or radilogical incident | The 13th International workshop on Ionizing radiation Monitoring | December 2017 |
Preparedness european Project. Metrology for mobile detection of ionising radiation following a nuclear or radilogical accident – WP1 unmanned aerial systems | NERIS Workshop 2018 | April 2018 |
Preparedness european Project. Metrology for mobile detection of ionising radiation following a nuclear or radilogical accident – WP1 unmanned aerial systems | NERIS Workshop 2018 | April 2018 |
Preparedness. Application of UAV-based systems including calibration procedures and intercomparison excercises. WP1. Introduction of Preparedness activities | EURADOS WG3-S1 | September 2017 |
Preparedness. Application of UAV-based systems including calibration procedures and intercomparison excercises | EURADOS Annual meeting 2018 | February 2018 |
Preparedness. Overview of the European research project EMPIR-16ENV04 “Preparedness” | NERIS Workshop 2018 | April 2018 |
Preparedness. Overview of the European research project EMPIR-16ENV04 “Preparedness” | NERIS Workshop 2018 | April 2018 |
Monitoring of ionising radiation by non-governmental networks in the framework of the EMPIR – 16ENV04 “Preparedness” project | NERIS Workshop 2019 | April 2018 |
Proyecto Europeo metrología para la detección móvil de la radiación tras un accidente nuclear Preparedness | 5º Congreso conjunto del 21SEFM/16SEPR | June 2017 |
Desarrollo de tecnología para metrología en situaciones de emergencia nuclear | 43ª Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Nuclear Española | October 2017 |
New analysis of photon flux build-up in environmental measurements | Eurados Annual Meeting | February 2018 |
Análisis del gradiente vertical del flujo de fotones creado por fuentes depositadas en una emergencia | IRPACUBA 2018 | April 2018 |
Eurados activities in environmental monitoring – new EUROMET project | 11th Symposium of the Croatian Radiation Protection Association | April 2017 |
The development of a low-cost CsI(Tl)-SiPM detector for radiation monitoring by members of the public | SPIE Conference 2017 | August 2017 |
The development of a dual-use low-cost CsI(Tl)-SiPM detector for radiation monitoring by authorities and members of the public | NERIS Workshop 2018 | April 2018 |
The development of transportable radioactivity-in-air monitoring systems in the framework of EMPIR project “Preparedness” | NERIS Workshop 2018 | April 2018 |
Analysis of photon flux build-up in environmental measurements | EURADOS WG3-S1 | September 2017 |
Cores symposium on applications of big data, sensor networks, robotics and artificial intelligence in radiation safety | CORES Symposium 2018 | September 2018 |
“Preparedness” European Project: Work Package 1- Unmanned aerial detection of radiological data | The 14th International workshop on Ionizing radiation Monitoring | December 2018 |
Preparedness European Project: Metrology for mobile detection of ionising radiation following a nuclear or radiological accident – WP1 unmanned aerial Systems | International workshop and debriefing of the international airborne gamma spectrometry Exercise ARM 17 in Switzerland | October 2018 |
Development of UAV spectrometric moniotr on NaI basis | EURADOS WG3-S1 | September 2018 |
Development of UAV spectrometric moniotr on localizator basis | EURADOS WG3-S1 | September 2018 |
Preparation of the measurement campaign in spain:aerial site characterization and point source excercise | EURADOS WG3-S1 | September 2018 |
Development of a UAV-based CeBr3 spectrometric monitoring system in the framework of the “Preparedness” project | EURADOS WG3-S1 | September 2018 |
Methods for the calculation of H*(10) from gamma spectra | EURADOS WG3-S1 | September 2018 |
Mobile Detection of Ionising Radiation Following a nuclear or Radiological Incident | EURDEP Information day | September 2018 |
Preparedness Intercomparison of Passive Dosemeters | EURADOS WG3-S1 | December 2018 |
Simulación del gradiente vertical del flujo y la dosis debido a un suleo contaminado | 44ª Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Nuclear Española | September 2018 |
Photon flux analisys and detector shielding | EURADOS WG3-S1 | September 2018 |
Environmental measurements of radioactivity and radiation protection quantity available in non-governamental networks web sites | 3rd EUROPEAN RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION RESEARCH WEEK | October 2018 |
Indagine sulle reti non governative di monitoraggio delle radiazioni ionizzanti nell’ambito del progetto EMIPR-16ENV04 “Prepardness” | XXXVII CONRESSO NAZIONALE DI RADIOPROTEZIONE | October 2018 |
CdZnTe solid-state detector characterisation for its use as a spectro-dosemeter | International conference on radiation applications-RAP 2019 | September 2019 |
New steps in the characterization of NaI detector for Preparedness Project | EURADOS Annual Meeting | February 2019 |
Estudio de la respuesta de un detector de NaI | VI Congreso Conjunto de la Sociedad Española de Física Médica y la Sociedad Española de Protección Radiológica | June 2019 |
Electret Ion Chambers for Environmental Gamma monitoring | 28 th Annual Symposium Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society | June 2019 |
Procedures to measure mean ambient dose equivalent rates using electret ion chambers in the framework of the Prepardness project | EURADOS Annual Meeting | February 2019 |
Passive dosimetry measurements used in the aftermath of a radiological accident in the framework of “PREPAREDNESS” EMPIR project | NERIS Workshop 2019 | April 2019 |
Monitoraggio della radiazione ambientale con dosimetri passivi nell’ambito del progetto EMPIR-16ENV04 “Prepardness” | Convegno Nazionale AIRP 2019 | October 2019 |
Methods for the calculation of H*(10) from spectra | EURADOS Annual Meeting | February 2019 |
Preparedness Intercomparison of Passive H*(10) Area Photon Dosemeters in 2017/ 2018 | EURADOS Annual Meeting | February 2019 |
The N42 data format to store spectra – Background and applicability | EURADOS Annual Meeting | February 2019 |
Automatic detection of radiological events using spectro-dosemeters | EURADOS WG3-S1 Meeting | September 2019 |
Fluences & Dose Values Derived From CeBr3 Spectra – New Developments | EURADOS WG3-S1 Meeting | September 2019 |
Simulation of the influence of the Radium concentration in the soil and Radon concentration in air for NaI detector considered in Preparedness Project using MCNP | ENVIRA, 5th International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity | September 2019 |
EMPIR project 16ENV04 Preparedness – main goals and research directions | XXX Symposium of Radiation Protection Society of Serbia and Montenegro | October 2019 |
Harmonisation of dose measurement procedures using passive dosemeters: use of passive H*(10) dosimetry systems in Europe | XXX Symposium of Radiation Protection Society of Serbia and Montenegro | October 2019 |
Overview of the existing UAV regulatory framework in European countries in the context of an emergency response and emergency response exercises | XXX Symposium of Radiation Protection Society of Serbia and Montenegro | October 2019 |
Evaluation of dose rate data provided by non-governmental networks | XXX Symposium of Radiation Protection Society of Serbia and Montenegro | October 2019 |
Valutazione dell’ equivalente di dose ambientale per rivelatori impiegati nelle reti di monitoraggio non governative nell’ ambito dell progetto EMPIR-16ENV04 Preparedness | Convegno Nazionale AIRP 2019 | October 2019 |
Preparedness – Metrology for mobile detection of ionising radiation following a nuclear or radiological incident | XXX Symposium of Radiation Protection Society of Serbia and Montenegro | October 2019 |
Fast radiochemical analysis of airborne radionuclides in emergency situations | 22nd International Conference on Radionuclide Metrology and its Applications | May 2019 |
Monitoraggio della radiazione ambientale con dosimetri passivi nell’ambito del progetto EMPIR-16ENV04 “Prepardness” | Convegno Nazionale AIRP 2019 | October 2019 |
Metrology for mobile detection of ionising radiation: The EMIR project 16ENV04 “Preparedness” | ConRad2019 | May 2019 |
Metrology for the mobile detection of ionising radiation following a nuclear or radiological incident ‒ The EMPIR project “Preparedness” | ERPW2018 | October 2018 |
Dosimetrie und Monitoring von Radioaktivität und ionisierender Strahlung zum Schutz der Bevölkerung | Mirion Technologies – Fachgespräch Radioaktivität und Umwelt | October 2019 |
Non-governmental dosimetry networks – metrological validation of measurement data | Conference on Applied Radiation Metrology – CARM 2020 | January 2020 |
Preparedness and ENEA study on environmental measurements by non governamental networks | EURADOS WG3-S1 Meeting | January 2020 |
Preparedness and ENEA study on environmental measurements by non governamental networks | EURADOS WG3-S1 Meeting (Annual Meeting) | January 2020 |
Development of UAV spectrometric monitoring systems in the framework of the Preparedness project” – on NaI-basis | EURADOS Annual Meeting | February 2019 |
Development of UAV spectrometric monitoring systems in the framework of the Preparedness project” – – on CeBr3-basis | EURADOS Annual Meeting | February 2019 |
Development of UAV spectrometric monitoring systems in the framework of the Preparedness project” – on CZT-basis | EURADOS Annual Meeting | February 2019 |
Development of UAV spectrometric monitoring systems in the framework of the Preparedness project” – on localizator-basis | EURADOS Annual Meeting | February 2019 |
Preliminary results of the first UAV comparison campaign carried out from 2-5 September in the framework of Preparedness | EURADOS WG3-S1 Meeting | September 2019 |
Preparedness UAV Measurement Campaign in Germany, March 2020 | EURADOS Annual Meeting | January 2020 |
Preparedness UAV Measurement Campaign in Spain, September 2019 | EURADOS Annual Meeting | January 2020 |
Mapping and source detection using airborne NaI 2”x2” and localizator CsI detectors | EURADOS Annual Meeting | January 2020 |
Testing of the measuring instruments in non-governmental networks for the purpose of environmental monitoring of ionising radiation | International conference on radiation applications (RAP 2020) | July 2020 |
Testing of low-cost dosimeters used in non-governmental networks within 16ENV04 Preparedness project | Eight international conference on radiation in various fields of research (RAD 2020) | July 2020 |
Conforming to the harmonized UAV regulatory framework in European countries – Experiences from the Preparedness project | Eight international conference on radiation in various fields of research (RAD 2020) | July 2020 |
Study of angular and energy response of various TLD holders for environmental dose measurements. | 15th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA 2021) | January 2021 |
Standardisation and Technical Committee
The project was presented at:
- TC 147/SC3 Water quality/Radioactivity
- TC 45/SC45B Nuclear instrumentation/Radiation protection instrumentation
- TC 45B Radiation protection instrumentation
- TC 85/SC2 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection/ Radiological protection
- TC 85/SC5 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection/ Nuclear installations, processes and technologies, WG5 Characterisation and waste management
- TC 85/SC2 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection/Radiological protection /WG 14 Air Control and Monitoring
- TC 147/SC3 Water quality/Radioactivity
- CCRI (I) (x- and gamma rays, charged particles)
- CCRI (II) (Measurement of radionuclides)
- TC-IR (Ionising Radiation
- ICRM/WG Gamma spectrometry
- WG Low activity measurement
Stakeholder workshop, January 2020 (linked to CARM 2020 conference):
On-line Stakeholder workshop, December 2020, PTB: