WP2: Transportable air-sampling systems
The aim of this work package is to develop and test transportable air-sampling systems for rapid deployment during an emergency scenario. These systems will provide quick information on radioactive contamination levels in air.
The novel systems developed in this project will be simple to use and ensure the provision of real-time and fully automatic remote monitoring. Accuracy, reliability and traceability will be addressed. Early adoption of the draft IEC 63047 “Data format for list-mode digital data acquisition used in radiation detection and measurement” standard will be supported to enhance compatibility of data and interoperability of systems. Strong engagement with stakeholders will support this programme of work. Emphasis will be placed on engaging with national bodies responsible for emergency planning to maximise uptake of the new technology.
To address these issues, procedures for in-field use of transportable air-sampling systems will be developed in Task 2.1. In Task 2.2 transportable air-sampling systems will be developed, which will making of software, followed by testing of the activity measurement instruments. An on-site comparison exercise for these systems will be carried out in Task 2.3 to test their properties in-field and to check the whole measuring chain. Finally, in Task 2.4, rapid radiochemical separation and analysis methods for the determination of airborne alpha and beta emitting radionuclides will be optimised and further developed as a useful complement of airborne radioactivity measurements.